Recruitment guide

Who we are looking for

A Person who performs challenge and innovation based on trust and cooperation

Recruit process

Resume submission ➔ Document review ➔ Interview ➔ Health examination ➔ Final acceptance


Please submit your resume by e-mail (

Document Review

We consider candidates' qualifications, skills, experience, passion, and attitude factors. Therefore, job applications are required to be written in good faith.


We evaluate applicant's expertise, understanding of duties, job performance and potential and ambition.

Health examination

Applicants who pass the interview are required to be examined at the designated hospital.

Fanal acceptance

In case that the health screening results are normal, you will receive the final acceptance to work with Wonjin after the discussion of title, position, etc.

Human Resources

Business Hierarchy

Staff ➔ Assistant Manager ➔ Manager ➔ Senior Manager ➔ Director

Performance-based HR system

Assessments based on ability and performance.
Compensation and upbringing based on performance and ability.

Fair and reasonable HR system to expand the ability.

HR System

Contact by e-mail (HR Team)

Wonjin Polymer    |    364 NamdongSeo-ro, Incheon, Korea(5LOT 5BL, Namdong industrial Complex.)    |    TEL : +82-32-819-7511    |    FAX : +82-32-819-7519
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